
本文发布时间: 2019-Mar-22
ps aux的功能是打印出所有进程ps是最基本也是最强大的进程查看命令aux都是参数a = show processes for all users 显示所有用户的进程u = display the process's user/owner 显示用户x = also show processes not attached to a terminal 显示无控制终端的进程在下面即将介绍的axo中o = 格式,用户定义的1) Displaying top 10 CPU_consuming processes: 展示消耗CPU最多的10个进程# ps aux|head -1; ps aux|sort -rn +2|head -102) Displaying top 10 memory-consuming processes: 展示消耗内存最多的10个进程# ps aux|head -1; ps aux|sort -rn +3|headTo view custom columns we use the below command [root@server ~]# ps axo stat,euser,ruser,%mem,pid,%cpu,commHere stat -> status of the process euser -> effective user ruser -> real user %mem -> percentage of memory utilized by process pid -> process ID %cpu -> percentage of memory utilized by process comm -> commandTo view top 10 memory utilized process process [root@server ~]# ps axo ruser,%mem,comm,pid,euser | sort -nr | head -n 10 RUSER %MEM COMMAND PID EUSERroot 0.4 sshd 3189 rootroot 0.4 sshd 2486 rootroot 0.2 master 1194 rootroot 0.1 rsyslogd 2918 rootroot 0.1 ps 3355 rootroot 0.1 login 1217 rootroot 0.1 bash 3191 rootroot 0.1 bash 3080 rootroot 0.1 bash 2488 rootTo view top 10 memory utilized process process [root@server ~]# ps axo ruser,%cpu,comm,pid,euser | sort -nr | head -n 10 RUSER %CPU COMMAND PID EUSERroot 0.2 events/0 7 rootroot 0.0 watchdog/0 6 rootroot 0.0 vsftpd 1118 rootroot 0.0 vmmemctl 593 rootroot 0.0 usbhid_resumer 41 rootroot 0.0 udevd 420 rootroot 0.0 udevd 1235 rootroot 0.0 udevd 1234 rootroot 0.0 sync_supers 13 root


2024-Mar-04 02:10pm