
本文发布时间: 2019-Mar-22
关于Postgis的安装使用,建议参考官方手册 http://www.postgis.org/docs/ch02.html------------------------------------------创建控件数据库的参考:createdb yourdatabasecreatelang plpgsql yourdatabasepsql -d yourdatabase -f postgis.sqlpsql -d yourdatabase -f postgis_comments.sqlpsql -d yourdatabase -f spatial_ref_sys.sql------------------------------------------------2.5. Create a spatially-enabled databaseThe first step in creating a PostGIS database is to create a simple PostgreSQL database.createdb [yourdatabase]Many of the PostGIS functions are written in the PL/pgSQL procedural language. As such, the next step to create a PostGIS database is to enable the PL/pgSQL language in your new database. This is accomplish by the commandcreatelang plpgsql [yourdatabase]Now load the PostGIS object and function definitions into your database by loading the postgis.sql definitions file (located in [prefix]/share/contrib as specified during the configuration step).psql -d [yourdatabase] -f postgis.sqlFor a complete set of EPSG coordinate system definition identifiers, you can also load the spatial_ref_sys.sql definitions file and populate the spatial_ref_sys table. This will permit you to perform ST_Transform() operations on geometries.psql -d [yourdatabase] -f spatial_ref_sys.sqlIf you wish to add comments to the PostGIS functions, the final step is to load the postgis_comments.sql into your spatial database. The comments can be viewed by simply typing \dd [function_name] from a psql terminal window.psql -d [yourdatabase] -f postgis_comments.sql2.6. Create a spatially-enabled database from a templateSome packaged distributions of PostGIS (in particular the Win32 installers for PostGIS >= 1.1.5) load the PostGIS functions into a template database called template_postgis. If the template_postgis database exists in your PostgreSQL installation then it is possible for users and/or applications to create spatially-enabled databases using a single command. Note that in both cases, the database user must have been granted the privilege to create new databases.From the shell:# createdb -T template_postgis my_spatial_dbFrom SQL:postgres=# CREATE DATABASE my_spatial_db TEMPLATE=template_postgis--------------------------------------------------------------如果系统中没有存在template_postgis模板,需要自己手动创建,$psql template1template1=#create database template_postgis with template=template1;template1=#update pg_database set datistemplate=TRUE where datname='template_postgis';template1=#\c template_postgistemplate_postgis=#create language plpgsql;template_postgis=#\i /opt/locale/share/postgis/lwpostgis.sql;template_postgis=#\i /opt/locale/share/postgis/spatial_ref_sys.sql;template_postgis=#GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;template_postgis=#GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;template_postgis=#VACUUM FREEZE;template_postgis=#\q对于用户,即可创建数据库createdb test_gis_db -T template_postgisdropdb test_gis_db


2024-Mar-04 02:11pm